Our Estate

Our Team

Our Team

We are a team, united in work and effort. Everyone plays their part and makes their own contribution to the success of all.

Fascinated by wine growing, his destiny seemed to be mapped out. Growing up with the passion for the vine, he embraces this profession with enthusiasm. Close to his employees, he strives to support them daily with expertise and kindness. He carefully observes and manages the operations in the vineyard, the different steps of wine production, the relations with customers as well as partnerships for the vineyard-management company.


Jeremy’s father, who took over in 1978, is behind the significant expansion of the family property. Endowed with an exceptional self-denial, he devoted all his energy to developing the vineyard he loves and cares so much about. Even though he’s retired now, nothing alters his enthusiasm. He gives Jeremy and our team the most valuable advice, and we all make good use of it.


Laurent MOTHES

Originally from St Emilion, Laurent has been our cellar master since 2021. He assists Jérémy and takes care of all operations in the winery: grapes reception, winemaking & oenological processes, coordination of bottling, preparation of orders and samples. Before joining us in 2021, Laurent worked in several wineries in Bordeaux, including Vignobles Bardet (for 13 years), Vignobles Barrière (8 years, whose cellar is the one we bought and modernized) and Vignobles Bonhur (4 years ). Passionate about motor sports, he spends his free time riding a motorbike and traveling around different regions of France. A true epicurean, he likes to spend quality time with his friends, with a good meal and good bottles of wine.

Carlos SILVA

Carlos has been our vineyard manager since 2015. He assists Jérémy in the organization and coordination of operations in the vineyard, as well as the management of teams working on the field: vineyard treatments, manual work and harvesting. Originally from Portugal, Carlos grew up in a family of farmers and always had a passion for the world of agriculture. Since he moved to France, he kept following this path and when he’s not in the vineyards, he takes care of a small goat farm in the region. He also likes to fish along the Dordogne River and hunt in the nature he loves.


Angélique, Émilie and Sabine are our 3 management assistants, handling HR, sales administration and accounting for both of our companies: Vignobles Mourgues and SARL TVM.

Angélique BOTTGEN

Angélique oversees the monitoring of our employees, customers invoicing, supply purchases, organization of bottling and all administrative follow-up of the wine (customs, relations with the Interprofessional committee of Bordeaux wines ‘CIVB’, declaration of harvest, etc.). Originally from Sainte-Foy-La-Grande, she obtained a advanced technician’s certificate in Bordeaux and then worked there for ten years. With her husband, they decided to return to live in the region to raise their son in the same environment they grew up in. Angélique joined Vignobles Mourgues in 2012, initially for a one-month seasonal contract… In 2022, she celebrated her 10 years of service!

Émilie CAO

Émilie CAO: Émilie takes care of our sales administration (taking orders, logistics, invoices, etc.), relations with customer relations, registration of our wines for competitions and many more duties. Originally from Nice, Emilie settled down in the village of Monségur in Gironde, more than 20 years ago, to join the one who would become her husband. After a first professional experience of 13 years in a farm inn, she wanted to explore new horizons and joined the Mourgues family in 2015. Emilie is now the mother of two boys aged 16 and 10. She spends her time between family life, professional life and community life.

Sabine SAGET

Sabine is responsible for accounting and payroll, personnel management, and various administrative files. After a career of twenty years in the Paris region in several companies, she decided to get closer to her family, moving to Lot-et-Garonne with her husband, a talented craftsman.